This system works due to the multi spring intricate rod (3springs) and controls the functionality of the pistol.
The third spring which is contained within the rod controls the movement of the slide so it never rams on the frame. The system includes 3 different in length spacers, a spring plug, a red pressure plate tool, a metallic cup screw tool and 3 different external springs. The long spacer offers a heavy buffer effect, moving to shorter spacers a lighter buffer effect is being offered.
The external springs are different in length, the long spring is heavy and the short is light so the shooter can fine tune the pistol on the opening and locking position (slide on the battery) according his/hers personal standards.
- Ταχύτερες επακόλουθες βολές
- Βελτιωμένη ταχύτητα βολής
- Προστασία ολίσθησης και frame
- Εξάλειψη των jams
- Σημαντική μείωση της ανάκρουσης
- Καλύτερη συγκέντρωση με διπλό πάτημα
- Καλύτερος έλεγχος και μεγαλύτερη ακρίβεια